Implementation Support

With You Every Step of the Way

Implementation management is a top priority for XRMSM System. Our team is dedicated to meeting your requirements in a timely and cost effective fashion. We work to ensure timelines and requirements are on schedule, and all appropriate parties are kept informed and up to date on the latest developments.

We understand that changes are to be expected, and plans are best laid with flexibility in mind. We offer our customers sandbox access to our system as soon as configuration is complete. Sandbox feedback is extremely important to our development team, and we try to accommodate all suggested changes as required.

The implementation team will use various tools to manage and communicate project progress, these including a Project Plan, an Action, Issue & Decision (AID) Log, data gathering templates and well as standard communication templates. The Implementation team will schedule regular status meetings with both the client, the selected MSP service provider and our leadership to keep all informed on project status and progression.

The XSI implementation team believes in a true partnership developed around an understanding of the program scope and deliverables that will build a foundation to enable the targeted objectives, our team will conduct below steps to prepare for implementation.

The Implementation Process

Team Methodology

Not every Contingent Labor Program looks the same; and no two customers have the same processes. The good news is that we are here to custom tailor your implementation plan, including composition of our team of experts. Below is a sample implementation team.