Customized Dashboards and Robust Reporting
XRMSM System’s reporting provides a key role in monitoring and managing your Contingent Workforce and SOW program. The reports, along with user-configured dashboards, will give you powerful visibility and decision support tools that will help you determine if contingent workforce elements such as rates, staffing firms, hiring managers, MSP (internal or external), risk management, turnover, branding, financial controls are working together correctly. The reports, based on a wide range of data captured, will help you understand the symbiotic relation all these elements have and help get them in balance.
XRMSM System has the capability to provide detail reporting in desired formats, assembled from any data captured from over 2000 data elements and 125 tables. XRMSM System reports are accessible via the web application on demand and to users 24×7 using standard internet browsers. XRMSM System’s dashboard feature displays selected information in real-time to provide critical program information at a glance.
XRMSM System supports user-defined, user friendly, ad-hoc reporting, but also provides a robust list of the standard most popular reports. User defined or XRMSM System’s standard reports provide a host of filters that make the report output flexible and quickly usable. Additionally, XRMSM System team will develop custom reports upon request at no cost. Reports can be designed and extracted by user, by a 3rd party, or MSP on behalf of the user and then scheduled to auto-run.
Examples of popular reports include:
- Spend Analysis
- Subcontractor Utilization
- Event Report
- Turnover Report
- Daily Schedule
- Response Time Report
- Request Report
- Tenure Report
The access to reports is completely granular i.e., access to a report can be controlled at individual user level. This makes it one of the most robust systems in terms of security. In addition to its reporting capabilities, XRMSM System also offers dashboard charts out of the box. When a user logs into XRMSM System, the user is presented with a dashboard page that shows the various functions available to that user based on his/her role in the format and screen placement preferred by the individual user.
Each user dashboard is fully customized to give each user control of what they see when they log into their profile.